Скачать The Dark Bloody Mod Series V для Minecraft
| Статью загрузил: itsfox |
Категория: Моды, Моды 1.17.1 |
Комментарии: 0 |
Читали: 758 раз
Дата загрузки: 09-янв в 22:59
- Laser Gun has become much stronger! deals 2 times more damage after a shot than before, additionally repels our opponent!
- After landing, the Mondo plane does not lose damage!
- A new biome generator for The Dark Bloody Dimension has arrived! From now on, Grindmare biomes appear most often, then Whelfile and rarely Sharelands!
- Larger structures than this version generate 100% in full and as they should!
- From this version, Black Freiden and Elactros do not drop Dark Bloody Coins!
- Added new dimension "Nightmary Dimension" Can only be accessed via the Teleporter!
- Added with it: Bloodstone, Nightmary Ground, Grass and Flower!
- Special bricks for this world have also been added. Only possible to dig!
- A new plant has been added: Nuhlus Plant which grows as a huge plant with the fruits of which Nuhlus Fruit drops out in a moment! Here is what this plant looks like:
- A new Nuhlus Fruit food type has been added. We can dig up from Nuhlus Plant and more precisely from the fruits that grow on it. After digging out, we get 2 pieces of this fruit. Nuhlus Fruit as a food gives us 3 hunger points and gives us a new effect: Nuhlus Vitality which has such an effect that it removes the effects from the player:
* Frost, Burning, Bleeding, Slowness, Mining Fatigue, Instant Damage, Nausea, Invisibility, Blindness, Hunger, Weakness, Poison, Wither, Unluck, Bad Omen
- There is a new breed of Lindlin mobs that appear in 3 classes: Lindlin non-neutral mob with 20HP, Lindlin Warrior aggressive mob with 30HP, light weapons, shield and sword, Lindlin Soldier aggressive mob with 40HP, light weapons, AK-47! Mobs appear in the dimension of Nightmary!
- There is a new statistic: "Power Of Blood". we only get it when we kill Lindlin with a melee weapon! After loading it, it allows us to buy new spells at Spells Trader! The new spells are: Blast Of Blood, Torture, Bleeding!
- A new quest giver has appeared: "Bloodman". He appears very rarely in The Dark Bloody dimension in each biome! He has one side quest for us which is based on a new dimension and a new structure: "Nightmary Fortress" which looks like this:
And Bloodman looks like this:
- There is a mobile phone that you activate with the "P" button. The phone is a useful prop for opening options such as: All possible stores, Statistics window, and contacts with our mission donors. Attention! In order for a player to be able to open a contact with a given head of mission, he must first, at least once, click on the button with his offer to unlock his phone number.
- improved models of guns and mobs!
- the modification has been updated to minecraft 1.17.1!
- fixed some bugs that came during installation on 1.17.1!
- A new aircraft type has been added: Mondo. It comes in 3 skins. You can buy it from Vehicles Trader! We can see this plane in the logo of this version!
- "Alien Ship" Structure Appears on the surface. The structure looks like this:
- changed the generation of biomes to be more affordable!
- Portal texture changed to The Dark Bloody dimension!
- 6 new images have been added, inspired by additions and other things related to me and the mod itself! You can see them on the logo of this version!
- AK-47 texture changed!
- Changed models of some weapons! Which made them better somehow!
- 3 new guns have been added: Sten, Thompson and Laser Gun, but only the first two can be purchased from the guns dealer:
Laser Gun:
- A new Sarit ore has been added which occurs at altitudes 15-4!
- 5 new mobs added:
Dvante, Unfrey, Cold, Celver, Alien Bigree
- A new structure "Aliens Ship" has been added that appears in the Dark Bloody dimension but only in the air!
- new plants have been added to the Pluetbris dimension!
- 2 new dimensions have been added for Lumino and Obscuro Dimension. Briefly how they present themselves:
- For each of the new dimensions, 1 mob appearing there has been added. In the Obscuro Black Freiden dimension, and for Lumino Elactros. each of these mobs drops a Dark Bloody Coin.
- Luminosoradii, the new quest giver, and Obscurtrugos, our new boss, have been added for a long time. Their images can be seen in the logo of this version!
- 2 new structures have been added for the Luminosoradii and Obscurtrugos worlds. Here they are:
Luminosoradii Temple:
Obscurtrugos Castle:
- From now on, the statistics show the results of those killed by us, this time only with the use of melee weapons of gang members!
- New statistics have been added: Fishing - we get by fishing - gives us the Luck effect, Fire Defense - we get burning in fire - gives us the Fire Resistance effect, Power Of Light and Power Of Darkness giving us points for a given power, to get them, kill depending on either Black Freiden or Elactros. We will need these Powers in order to be able to later purchase a new spell from the Spell Merchant related to the new Powers!
- Added 3 new spells for the Power Of Light and Power Of Darkness users!
- We can complete missions with Luminosoradi after the main storyline!
- 1 structure has been added to The Dark Bloody dimension, namely the Lumino Portal Room with a portal to the Lumino Dimension. It is in the Grindmare biome:
The Dark Bloody Mod Series V - Storyline:
The plot of Series V takes place 15 years later after the events of Series IV. As it turned out, the player destroyed the mysterious Sticky Egg which gave birth to a powerful new leader named Ganfort Henorhaus. The leader is in full strength and in power like his predecessors. We as players once again have to overcome the evil to come and restore peace in The Dark Bloody dimension.
- the dimension was brightened once again this time!
- we build portal to The Dark Bloody dimension from redstone blocks and fire flint and redstone!
- Dark Bloody Cobblestone has been added after digging Dark Bloody Stone!
- there are 6 biomes: Grindmare, Grindmare Forest, Whelfile, Whelfile Forest, Sharelands, Sharelands Forest!
- added 3 types of wood. Each one exists for a given biome: Eksamon for Grindmare, Foster for Whelfile, Dlin for Sharelands!
- 3 new ores added: Shining Fenize now generates from level 56-25, Ancient Jarkie from level 48-15, Amber Phulus from level 15-4!
- grass, flower and plant have been added. There is one type for each biome!
- added a lot of new guns. A few from the previous series are back, including many new ones!
- added 3 new weapons with 3D models!
- Several new spells have been added that you can cast on someone, and ones that you can use on yourself. Spells also have a description of how they work!
- 5 new car types with 5 different colors have been added. Cars: Venus resistance: 200, speed: 0.2, York resistance: 300, speed: 0.2, Blade resistance: 400, speed: 0.3, Cobreh resistance: 470, speed: 0.4, Devilo resistance: 500 , speed: 0.5!
- Airworthy aircraft have been added. There is only one type: Lion with 5 skins and 200 resistance and speed: 0.3!
- added 3 new mobs that drop Dark Bloody Coin:
Hynkielion, Willie, Dark Bloody Zombie - appear on every biome!
- As many as 6 gangs and their members have been added:
Diabolo (Grindmare):
Green Jackin Homies (Grindmare):
Skulls (Whelfile):
Triads (Whelfile):
Flagos (Sharelands):
Burrias Cartel (Sharelands):
Gangs their enemies and allies:
diabolo vs skulls
diabolo vs flagos
diabolo vs green
diabolo vs triads
green vs diabolo
skulls vs diabolo
skulls vs flagos
skulls vs cartel
triads vs diabolo
triads vs flagos
triads vs cartel
flagos vs diabolo
flagos vs skulls
flagos vs triads
cartel vs skulls
cartel vs triads
- a bulletproof vest has been added!
- 6 new types of interesting armor have been added!
- added traders who can sell us: weapons, guns, spells, armor and vehicles. You can meet them in the store about which later!
- rpg statistics have been introduced that consist of 5 skills so far: the strength that we gain by attacking the opponent strongly, agility that we gain by jumping in any way, defense that we gain by taking blows from the opponent on the chest, vitality gained by any player healing, the speed of digging which we punch by digging blocks!
- we can see how many points we currently have on our statistics with the "o" button!
Statistics levels:
Level 2 from 100 points
Level 3 from 300 points
Level 4 from 500 points
Level 5 from 800 points
Level 6 from 1200 points
Level 7 from 1700 points
Level 8 from 2300 points
Level 9 from 3000 points
Level 10 from 3800 points
- missions are back. We have as many as 8 clients who give us missions. 6 main quests, 2 side quests.
- Particles appear in the forests!
- Now lets move on to the structures:
Grindmare structures:
Simon House:
Adrianna Home:
Tom House:
Lord Temple:
Grindmare Dungeon:
Whelfile Structures:
Larry House:
Cheng stall:
villa John:
Whelfile Dungeon:
Sharelands Structures:
villa Deryl:
military base:
Sharelands Dungeon:
Pluetbris Structure:
Simons hideout:
Structures Appearing Everywhere:
Ihualoi Cave:
Feel free to positively evaluate my modification, download and discover modifications yourself as well!
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Download : Mod Link:
the-dark-bloody-mod-series-v-v5-5-1-17-1.jar | Скачали 9
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