The Knight Origin

(This origin is based off of the player from the game Hollowknight, not based off of an actual knight)

(requires extra keybinds)

Impact: 3

Description: You seem to find yourself inside of a strange place, but you still remember most of your previous actions, encounters, and abilities from Hollownest.


Lightweight: You take more knockback than others.

Non-proficient: You are not familiar with bows, crossbows, or shields, and you do not know how to use them.

Antivore: You are not familiar with food, and dont know what to do with it.

Weak Arms: When not under the effect of a strength potion, you can only mine natural stone if there are at most 2 other natural stone blocks adjacent to it.

Nine Lives: You have one less heart of health than humans.


Short: You were a small boi, and you still are. (you are shorter than the average player, but not too short)

Previous Belongings: You always kept these with you. (starts you out with an iron sword, nine empty maps, and a compass)


Acrobatics: You never take fall damage no matter from which height you fall.

Monarch Wings: Using wings made of ethereal matter that shimmers in the darkness, you can use a second jump mid-air.

Mothwing Cloak: A cloak threaded with mothwing strands. Allows the wearer to dash along the ground or through the air using their primary ability.

Vengeful Spirit: Conjure a spirit that will fly forward and burn foes in its path using your secondary ability.

Focus: You can regenerate health and saturation with your "Shape of Unn" charm for the cost of not being able to attack or see much using your ternary ability.

Proficient: You are skilled in melee combat. (you have a faster attack speed)


Если у вас попалась статья, где названия файлов состоят из цифр и вы не уверены, какая версия файла скачивается, рекомендуется проверить версию файла в описании. Также можно загрузить файл и проверить версию документа внутри него. Кроме того, версию файла можно проверить в json файлах, находящихся внутри архива/jar файла.

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