Скачать Minecraft Dungeons Mod для Minecraft
| Статью загрузил: itsfox |
Категория: Моды, Моды 1.17.1 |
Комментарии: 0 |
Читали: 883 раза
Дата загрузки: 09-янв в 21:58

- MCD Axe: A new axe with the Minecraft Dungeons texture. Obtainable using an Iron Axe and an Iron Ingot and a Smithing Table.
- Claymore: A new sword. Obtainable using an MCD Sword (see below) and an Iron Block.
- Cutlass: A new sword. Obtainable using an MCD Sword and a Gold Ingot.
- Daggers: A new sword. In Minecraft Dungeons, this is held with one in each hand. Obtainable using two MCD Swords.
- Double Axe: A new axe with two sides! Obtainable using two MCD Axes.
- Glaive: A new sword. Obtained using two sticks and then an Iron Ingot diagonally toward the top right in a Crafting Table.
- Hammer: One of my personal favorite new swords, obtained using 6 Iron Blocks and a Stick just like you would craft a sign in a Crafting Table.
- Highlander Long Sword: A new sword. Obtained using an MCD Sword and an Emerald in a Smithing Table.
- Katana: Another new type of sword. Obtained using a Cutlass and a Gold Ingot.
- Mace: Another new sword. This one is obtained using an Iron Block and two Sticks, in the same formation as a Shovel, using a Crafting Table.
- Pickaxe MCD: A new weapon disguised as a pickaxe. Obtainable using an Iron Pickaxe and an Iron Ingot in a Smithing Table.
- Sickles: Another new sword. Obtainable using two Iron Ingots and two Gold Ingots.
- Soul Knife: A new type of weapon, created using an MCD Sword and a piece of Blue Dye.
- Soul Scythe: Another new weapon, this one made using a Soul Torch and two Sticks.
- Spear: Although this may sound like a ranged weapon, it is a melee weapon crafted using an Iron Nugget and two Sticks.
- Whip: The last of the melee weapons, the Whip is obtained using two pieces of String and two Sticks.
Ranged Weapons:
- Exploding Crossbow: A new crossbow, obtained using a Crossbow and a piece of Gunpowder in a Smithing Table.
- Heavy Crossbow: A new crossbow: obtained using a Crossbow and an Iron Block.
- Hunting Bow: A new bow, made using a Bow and a Feather.
- Longbow: Another new bow, created with two Bows in a Smithing Table.
- Power Bow: My personal favorite ranged weapon, the Power Bow is made using a Bow and a piece of String.
- Rapid Crossbow: Another new crossbow, the Rapid Crossbow is made using a Crossbow and a piece of Blue Dye.
- Scatter Crossbow: A new crossbow, obtained using a Crossbow and an Arrow.
- Shortbow: A much shorter Bow variant, crafted using three Sticks and a single piece of String.
- Slowbow: Another Bow variant, created using a Bow and a Lapis Lazuli Block.
- Soul Bow and Crossbow: These two variants are made using a Bow or Crossbow, respectively, and a Soul Torch.
- Trickbow: The final Bow variant, the Trickbow is created using a Bow and a piece of Purple Dye.
Finally got another mod out! The goal of this one is to create items from Minecraft Dungeons in Minecraft. Above is all the added weapons. This mod also adds a bunch of other items that are not detailed here, they currently have no use. I highly recommend using a mod like (Just Enough Items) with this, it will help with all the recipes for the various items.
2. Download Minecraft Forge from the . It is very important that you download the 1.17.1 version, as the mod is only compatible with this version.
3. Run the Minecraft Forge Installer you downloaded.
4. Once that is installed, open the Minecraft Launcher and switch your installation to forge. Then launch the game.
5. Once on the main menu of Minecraft, click "Mods". Then click "Open mods folder".
6. Copy the mcd_mod_v1.1.1 file to the folder you just opened.
7. Close and relaunch Minecraft, still using the forge installation.
Если у вас попалась статья, где названия файлов состоят из цифр и вы не уверены, какая версия файла скачивается, рекомендуется проверить версию файла в описании. Также можно загрузить файл и проверить версию документа внутри него. Кроме того, версию файла можно проверить в json файлах, находящихся внутри архива/jar файла.
Download : Alternate Download (Google Drive) Скачать сейчас:
mcd-mod-v1-1-1.jar | Скачали 0
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Привет, ты находишься на сайте - FoxyCraft - Скачать лаунчер для Minecraft - Игровая экосистема серверов Маинкрафт. Скачать Моды, Моды 1.17.1 Minecraft Dungeons Mod Вы сможете в любое время для нужной версии Маинкрафт. Ты ищешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.17.1 и установить на свой клиент? Тогда добро пожаловать на наш сайт. Этот Маинкрафт Моды, Моды 1.17.1 можно найти по запросу: Скачать Minecraft Dungeons Mod для Minecraft. Ведь ты знаешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.17.1 бесплатно! Найти Моды, Моды 1.17.1 можно по запросам: Майнкрафт, Minecraft, скачать, FoxyCraft, фоксикрафт, Моды, Моды 1.17.1. Если тебе понравилась новость или фаил, не забудь скачать его себе.
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