What is it ?

Broadside allows you to enhance either movecraft ship weapons or just town or faction defences.

Setup turrets put ammo in the turret and then configure a control card ( or written book to control each of the turrets, individual turrets or batteries of several turrets at once. turrets can each have standard ammo or torpedo ammo ( gunpowder or tnt).

To counter the devastating firepower of the turrets you can create energy shields which, if powered up, will protect or deflect the shots from the turrets, protecting your craft or town for as long as the shields are powered.

Features :

    • Dispenser laser batteries

    • Fire control cards to control multiple batteries at the same time

    • Control of several batteries at once is possible with multiple control cards

    • Turbolaser ammo (gunpowder) and proton torpedo (tnt)

    • Cooldown per ammo type

    • Torpedo charging message on action bar

    • Energy shields charged by prismarine crystal

    • Shields cover set area, deplete charge when hit by lasers or torpedos

    • Shield generators break when charge reaches 0

    • worldguard support

Creating Gun Turrets

Heavy Turrets:
Place a dispenser. Place a stone button on the face you want to be the barrel. Then fill with the ammo type you want to fire. hvy turrets can fire ion beams, torpedos and turbolasers

Light Turrets:
Place a dropper, Place a stone button on the face you want to be the barrel. Then fill with the ammo type you want to fire. hvy turrets can fire hvy blaster rounds

Creating Controller cards

Get a few book and quills, immediately sign one and as the title write a code. ( eg battery1) Then get a second book and quill, sign this one with the same title (battery1). then place one book inside a dispenser, you can create multiple copies of the same title and place in multiple dispensers.

Firing the Guns

Look in the direction you wish to fire, hold the controller card that has a twin in a dispenser turret within the specified distance (config) and left click with the book. This will detect any nearby turrets, check your link matches the card in the turret if so will fire the ammunition from that turret in the direction you are looking relative to the turret (see picture below).

If you have multiple turrets linked they all will fire at the same time. You can also hold several different books, with different titles that match different turret batteries with ammo types or different directions.

Cooldown and Recharging

As you fire the guns some types of ammo will require a reload time. torpedoes are reloaded slower than turbos laser shots for example

as you fire multiple guns there will be a power drain on your controller card, indicated by the boss bar on the top of the screen. firing many guns at once will drain your power quickly as will firing large weapons such as ion beams and torpedo banks.

your power charge will recharge over time, if you gain experience (permission nodes below) you can improve your recharge time as you gain a higher level gunner

Ammo Types

Gunpowder: Turbolaser
, fast fireball medium damage, fire causing

TNT: Torpedo
, slow moving, big damage

Beacon: Ion cannon
, instant laser beam, knocks controllers cards out of gun turrets in range of impact

Tipped arrow: Hvy Blaster Rounds
, place into a dropper to fire heavy blaster ammo


See the picture below, the turret fires as if it was the player, with the same point of view, so in the picture below if the player wanted to fire at target A but was standing a little way away from the turret, they would have to look up and away from the turret (direction of view) so the turret replicated the point of view and would fire towards the target (being near the turret or behind it helps making aiming easier)

In this picture the turret is on the green cliff edge, being put on the ground the bottom face if blocked so all shots would come from the top of the dispenser. The player can fire while looking upwards in any direction in the red arc, if he were to look down in to the blue arc to try and hit target B the shot would spawn above the dispenser and then hit the dispenser on route to target B causing damage to the turret.

if the dispenser was on the cliff edge with nothing below it, with a block on top of it, blocking the top face, then the shot would then come from the bottom of the dispenser and the player could look into the blue arc and could then shoot at target B, but not A.

Energy Shields

To protect yourself from energy weapons, create energy shield which will protect you from the blasts

Light Shield:
place a brewing stand down, then fill with glowstone dust.

Heavy Shield:
place a trapped chest down, then fill with prismarine crystals.

If any laser or torpedo shot falls within the shield range ( configured in config file) then, if the chest is filled with crystals, the shot will be deflected with no damage to blocks. You will see sparks.

The hit will reduce the amount of charge in the shield.

Different weapon systems reduce the shield charge by different amounts

a torpedo hitting a light shield will knock out 1/3 of the shield but only 1/20 of a heavy shield

If the charge runs out, the shields will stop working and further shots will be able to do damage.

Worldguard regions

If a region is created with break block deny on ( block protection) then anything in that region will be classed as shielded with unlimited charge.







br.debug -
turn on console debugger for error checking


Если у вас попалась статья, где названия файлов состоят из цифр и вы не уверены, какая версия файла скачивается, рекомендуется проверить версию файла в описании. Также можно загрузить файл и проверить версию документа внутри него. Кроме того, версию файла можно проверить в json файлах, находящихся внутри архива/jar файла.

Дополнительное описание

Привет, ты находишься на сайте - FoxyCraft - Скачать лаунчер для Minecraft - Игровая экосистема серверов Маинкрафт. Скачать Моды, Моды 1.17 Broadside [Spigot 1.13.2] Вы сможете в любое время для нужной версии Маинкрафт. Ты ищешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.17 и установить на свой клиент? Тогда добро пожаловать на наш сайт. Этот Маинкрафт Моды, Моды 1.17 можно найти по запросу: Скачать Broadside [Spigot 1.13.2] для Minecraft. Ведь ты знаешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.17 бесплатно! Найти Моды, Моды 1.17 можно по запросам: Майнкрафт, Minecraft, скачать, FoxyCraft, фоксикрафт, Моды, Моды 1.17. Если тебе понравилась новость или фаил, не забудь скачать его себе.


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