Скачать Forgotten Library (FORGE 1.16.5) V2.8 для Minecraft
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Категория: Моды, Моды 1.16.5 |
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Читали: 725 раз
Дата загрузки: 10-янв в 22:42

Its again me!
This mod adding A LOT OF enchantments that give you effects.
Check the description for enchantments descriptions. Also,
and spawn explosion particles when you jump. This enchantment is only for boots. there is just 1 level for this enchantment.
-Clean night: Give you a night vision effect every tick. There is 2 level for this enchantment. In the level1, that give you a night vision effect if the player wearing the enchantment in a helmet is in a light smaller of 7, in level 2, that give you the night vision effect every tick, even if the light where the player is is not smaller than 7. The enchantment can be weared only in a helmet.
-Ultimate Rage: Give you the effect Ultimate Rage if you wear the enchantment Ultimate rage in a chestplate and if you have smaller 7 HPs. The effect Ultimate Rage give you a resistance III effect, a hunger II effect, a slowness I effect and a strenght III effect. There is just one level for this enchantment. This enchantment can be weared only in a chestplate.
-Bleeding Sword: Give bleeding effect to the entity you attack which last 60 ticks. there is 5 levels, every level add 60 ticks to the bleeding effect. This enchantment can be weared only on a weapon.
-Hasting helmet: Give a haste effect every tick. There is 2 levels, in level 1, you get a haste effect level 1, and at level 2, a haste effect level 2. Not compatible with luckyst helmet. Can be weared only on a helmet.
-[DONT WORKS]Strongest: Its supposed to give you more HP but it dont works. Wait a little and i will fix this bug.
-Vampirism: Steal HP of the entity you attack. There is only 1 level. Can be weared on a weapon.
-Life Mending: Give you HP when you get XP. There is only 1 level and the enchantment is not compatible with Mending. Can be weared on all armor pieces.
-Thundering: In level1, you have 10% of chance to spawn a thunderbolt in the entity you attack. In level 2, 20% and in level3, 30%. Not compatbiel with Exploding hit. Can be weared an any weapon. Not compatbiel with Exploding hit.
-Poison: There are three levels. Depending on the level a poison effect will be afflicted on the entity you attacked. Can be weared on any weapon.
-[DONT WROKS]AutoSmelter: Its supposed to smelt ore you destroy with your pickaxe but it dont work for some reasons. Wait a little and i will fix this bug.
-Exploding hit: There is 3 levels for this enchantment. In level 1, there is 10% of chance to spawn an explosion when you hit a entity.
Can be weared on any weapons.
-Running like a cheetah: There is 2 levels for this enchantment. In level 1, you get a swiftness effectLVL1 every tick, in level 2 you get a swiftness effect but LVL2. Can be weared on any boots. Not compatible with Swimming like a doplhin.
-Luckyest helmet: There is 2 levels for this enchantment, in lvl1, you get a luck effect lvl1 every tick and in lvl2, you get a lucky effect lvl2 every tick. Can be weared only on helmets. Not compatible with Hasting helmet.
-Levite like a wizard: There is only 1 level for this enchantment. When you jump, you get a levitation effect. Can be weared on any boots. Not compatible with Jumping like a rabbit.
-Swimming like a dolphin: There is only 1 level for this enchantment. You just get a dolphin grace effect every tick when you are under water. Can be weared only on boots. Not compatible with running like a cheetah.
-[NEW]Wither: There is only 1 level for this enchantment.Give wither effect to the entity you attack. Not compatible with bleeding sword, poison and vampirism. Can be weared on any weapons.
-[NEW]Undrownable Helmet: Again, only 1 level. Give you conduit effect every tick. Not compatible with respiration. Can by weared only on helmet like say his name.
-[NEW]Auto saturation: There is 3 level. In the first level, there is 10% of chance to give you a saturation effect when you use a hoe. In level 2, 20% and in level 3, 30%. Not compatible with Life-Mending. Can be weared on any armor pieces.
-[NEW]Freezer: There is 3 level. In the first level, there is 10% of chance to give a freezed effect to the entity attack you. In level 2, there is 20% and in the level 3, there is 30%. Not compatible with Ultimate rage.
-[NEW]Wither protection: 1 level only, protect you from with effect. Can be weared on any armor pieces.
-[NEW]Poison protection: Like Wither Protection but protect you from poison effect.
-[NEW]Anti-Raid: Like Wither protection but protect you from Bad omen effect. For people dont know this effect, check this page:
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