Hey all! my name is carrotdev and today I present carrotmod! a brand new minecraft mod that Ive been working on for a few days! this mod is fully functional as it is now, all items have recipes and work as intended. This mod is loosely based off of the old 2014 1.6.4 carrot mod for minecraft, one that I loved as a kid and decided to do justice to by remaking! so far this mod adds some new armor, new types of carrots, food, a pickaxe and an entirely new dimension complete with new ore and a progression system (10% complete) I intend on continuing to make the carrotmod awesome, however as it stands I would love some feedback and some ideas on how I could make the mod even better. The carrot dimensions portal frames is oak wood planks to anyone wondering. Make sure to use JEI with carrotmod as some of the recipes are complex! comments are encouraged, and if you would like to send me some feedback or ideas I would be more than happy to read each and every one! thank you planet minecraft.

UPDATE 11/09
Hi everyone! thank you for the diamonds, and thank you to the moderator who greenlighted my mod!
This version is EXTREMELY OUTDATED AS OF 11/09 and with the continued support of carrotmod I intend on continuing to release a new version this weekend. thank you!

UPDATE 11/11
Hey everyone, carrot mod V19-2 is now out! enjoy.

UPDATE 12/12

Hey all, carrot mod V20.1 is now out! rushing to get an update out before the limited time only
"A very carrot Christmas" update comes out, so here ya go.
-Removed most of the placeholder textures
-Fixed repair recipes
-Added new food item "Baby carrots"
-Added new trees to carrotworld biome
-Added new NPC "Carrotman spear throwers"
-Fixed loot table issues
-Fixed carrotsaw sound issue
-Tweaked tool durability/effectiveness\
-Added mod loading indicator on startup (QOL FIX)
-Added carrot wood tools


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Привет, ты находишься на сайте - FoxyCraft - Скачать лаунчер для Minecraft - Игровая экосистема серверов Маинкрафт. Скачать Моды, Моды 1.16.5 Carrotmod! [New content!] BETA VERSION V.20.1 Вы сможете в любое время для нужной версии Маинкрафт. Ты ищешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.16.5 и установить на свой клиент? Тогда добро пожаловать на наш сайт. Этот Маинкрафт Моды, Моды 1.16.5 можно найти по запросу: Скачать Carrotmod! [New content!] BETA VERSION V.20.1 для Minecraft. Ведь ты знаешь где скачать Моды, Моды 1.16.5 бесплатно! Найти Моды, Моды 1.16.5 можно по запросам: Майнкрафт, Minecraft, скачать, FoxyCraft, фоксикрафт, Моды, Моды 1.16.5. Если тебе понравилась новость или фаил, не забудь скачать его себе.


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