Shadowlands is a mod which adds 6 new dimensions, each with biomes and dungeons, theres loads to explore! First you must summon an kill a huge flying magical construct and then you can visit the wonderous lands this mod has to offer.

It adds:
  • 6 new dimensions
  • 47 new mobs
  • 211 new blocks
  • 17 new armor sets
  • 66 new plants
  • 9 new bosses
  • 118 new structures
  • 273 new recipes
  • several other things such as GUIs

The Shadowlands dimension is a dark shadowy dimension with grey trees and black stone dungeons along with occasional red cactus forests, here you will find the keys to the Glowshroom Forest and Vellium dimensions.

The Glowshroom forest has glowing mushrooms everywhere, but be careful - some of them can move and are not at all welcoming to outsiders. The dimension also has strange stinging Jellyfish and Spore Mines (inspired by Warhammer 40k) the spore mines seem harmless but will explode without warning if you go near them. And of course there are plenty of towers and dungeons to loot and explore.

The Forgotten Desert dimension can be reached by acquiring a gold coin from a Trader robot, the desert has huge ruined rusty metal towers and generators - the remnants of an advanced civilisation lost to the harsh sandy wasteland

The Vellium dimension is a bright sunny cheerful place - but do not be fooled - the strange yellow one-eyed beasts which inhabit it are deadly, and if youre not careful you can get hopelessly lost in the low lying fields of fluffy cloud.

The Bloodlust dimension is an evil dark place, full of hostile mobs and covered in sharp spikes which without the right armor can tear apart the player, a powerful boss can be summoned here - but its very powerful so make sure you can get back to the altar if you get killed (dont worry it wont despawn.

The Sparkpolia dimension is a vast ocean with forested islands, it is a dimension full of creepers and strange ghostly mobs. There are currently no structures there but that will may change in the next update.

Want to see more images? Go here:
Want to see a short video of the mod?

The old wiki can be found here:
However a new wiki has also been made here: which is more detailed and has better images.
Update info for version 2.0 - Click to reveal
<Update features> The 2.0 update adds loads more plants, structures, items and details, it even adds some new biomes! One of the new mobs is the Brutallium Robot, a magical robot pet which will attack hostile mobs. It doesnt follow the player though and it attacks creepers as well so be carefull! You can also now find redstone, coal, lapis and iron in certain dimentions, as well as different stone varients. A few bugs have been fixed as well so the mod will work better, if you have an existing world then be carefull about updating it, if you have already loaded some of the mods dimensions then I would reccomend getting a new world instead to avoid gliches

Just some of the new stuff:

Update info 2.1 - Click to reveal
Added the Brasswood Hills biome to the Shadowlands dimension, with a new passive rideable mob, and fixed many bugs - mostly to do with achivements. Belronite ore now generates in the Glowshroom Forest dimension and is now usable in survival mode.

Update info 2.2 - Click to reveal
The latest update adds 2 new bosses and loads of new stuff!

Shadow spinners have a new model and are renamed

Some new blocks (and jellyfish)

A new boss, sword and structure to be found in the Glowshroom forest

New models for the Awakened Star and Doom Star

A huge nether structure which leads to a massive nether dungeon

An Emperor Wither

Some of its loot

Update info 2.3 - Click to reveal

This update has added LOADS of new structures, plants and features. And we now have a new wiki!

There is now a Treehouse to be found in the Glowshroom Forest with cool villager trades, and one in the Vellium as well.

The Glowshroom Forest is far more detailed, with a new biome and more plants.

And as Im now using Mcreator version 2020.5 I can add certain vanilla structures (such as ocean ruins) to dimensions, the vellium now has seagrass, ruins and shipwrecks





Update info 2.4 - Click to reveal
The 2.4 update adds a whole new dimension - Sparkpolia, a vast ocean dimension with forested islands, it is a dimension full of creepers and strange ghostly mobs. There are currently no structures there but that will probably change in the next update (with will hopefully add 1.16.5 support). The mod now has a dimension with huge castle, where you can fight the Red Nightmare boss. The final boss is no longer the Emperor wither - an even harder boss has been added! The Ascendent Star, a multi stage boss fight which can be fought in the original Shadowlands dimension.

The Forgotten desert now has a rare mob with 490 health - not quite a boss mob but still powerfull. The new Sparkpolia dimension has a boss which looks like a sort of guardian/hoglin combination.

The mod now adds several items (such as its wood) to vanilla tags so anything which uses vanilla wood can also use modded wood, great for improving the mods compatibillity

For info on reaching the castle you will need to check the wiki

Update 2.5 info - Click to reveal

Updated to 1.16.5, changed all tree generation, shortened cloud tower structure, replaced Awakened Star with Wither Skeleton Commander, (existing Awakened Stars will not be deleted), added new biome (Averite Forest) Added music to the Vellium Megabee and Spore King bosses.

New tremulite forest generation:

the Final Portal in the 1.16 nether

(Wither skeleton commander would not usually be in Sparkpolia)

Total Mcreator mod elements: 1152 (in 1.16.5 update: 1226)

If you want to include this in a modpack or have a question please contact me.

All rights reserved, unless otherwise stated this pack may be downloaded for personal use only.


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