I have Updated the mod so it now has some new features

Pet Rock Block and items for the crafting of it
Ufo and Lazer gun
Admin lazer gun (admin)
Custom Ores armour and tools
Ghost stone block and ghost oak planks block (you can walk through it)
There is a ban hammer but it doesnt actually ban it just instant kills and breaks blocks instantly (admin) -Texture Made by But I amde The model Inspired by theirs

A heal command that sets your health to full (admin)
and three music disks
Generators for pretty much every resource
A Bin Which is just a chest But modeled differently -the texture made by
An Arsonist Mushroom (Tameable and Breedabe)
Fire Staff - Shoots A Projectile that sets a four by four area on fire and if it hits a entity/player will set it on fire - Not Yet Obtainable in survival
Lightning Staff - shoots a projectile that summons four lightning bolts - Not Yet Obtainable in survival
Stone staff - Gives Stone Effect that gives slowness one and resistance four when held does damage when you hit an entity/player - Not Yet Obtainable in survival
Air staff - Gives slowfalling two when held and levitation when right-clicked- Not Yet Obtainable In survival
Element staff - summons cloud entity that is rideable and flies with wasd/arrow keys and goes up/down depending on where you look, gives rock effect like rock staff (resistance 4 and slowness 1) and when an entity is hit seven lightning bolts will be suumoned and it does damage when you hit something - Noit Yet obtainable in survival


Если у вас попалась статья, где названия файлов состоят из цифр и вы не уверены, какая версия файла скачивается, рекомендуется проверить версию файла в описании. Также можно загрузить файл и проверить версию документа внутри него. Кроме того, версию файла можно проверить в json файлах, находящихся внутри архива/jar файла.

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